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  • 泰空站CTY 2021-07-20 17:39
    雲頂大柳州的制高點,下午上去的頂層停機坪沒有人,特別適合拍照。一層換票完後就直接搭電梯到75層。換電梯到76層。到頂層的話需要搭乘滾梯。76層有下午茶和簡餐可以供選擇。室外走廊沒有嘗試感覺有點恐怖,白天和晚上的景色各有不同。在網路或者一層都可以購票。門票分三種可以選擇。包含下午茶和室外走廊的。門票相對於廣州的不算貴。推薦。The vantage point of Daliuzhou, the top landing area in the afternoon was empty, which was particularly suitable for taking photos. After the ticket is changed on the first floor, take the elevator directly to the 75th floor. Change the elevator to the 76th floor. To get to the top floor, you need to take an escalator. Afternoon tea and casual dining are available on the 76th floor. The outdoor hallway feels a bit creepy without trying, and the views vary by day and night. Tickets can be purchased online or on tier 1. There are three tickets available. It includes afternoon tea and outdoor hallway. Tickets are not expensive compared with those in Guangzhou. Recommend it.
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