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  • 廖美丽 2023-12-08 22:21
    Everyone is celebrating, but we are kissing each other. Haha, Alan Walker, thank you for coming to my hometown China for a tour. My husband and I came from Changsha to watch your concert. As your fans for many years, we have finally fulfilled our wish to meet you. Although I am in a crowd of thousands and you don't know me, it's okay. This year is my eighth anniversary of our marriage, and I am truly happy to continue to rely on and love each other in such an atmosphere, This is the most special wedding anniversary gift I have received so far.There are three things in the world that know no borders: music, art, and food. Some people love each other in your music, some get hurt and heal in your music, and some find happiness in your music. So tonight, let us wish happy people continued happiness and free people continued freedom. Welcome to China, and I wish you a successful conclusion to your World Tour of China. Love your fans❤️(大家都在狂欢,我们却在拥吻。哈咯,Alan Walker,感恩您来到我的家乡中国巡演,我和我的丈夫特意从长沙赶来看您的演唱会,作为您多年的粉丝,终于圆了与您见面的心愿,虽然我在千千万万的人群里,虽然您也不认识我,但是没有关系,今年是我与我的丈夫结婚八周年,能在这样的氛围里继续相依相爱,我真的特别开心,这是我收到目前为止最特别的结婚纪念日礼物。世界上有三样东西是不分国界:音乐、艺术和美食,有人在你的音乐里相爱,有人受伤在你的音乐里治疗,有人在你的音乐里找到快乐,那么今晚让我们遥祝幸福的人继续幸福,自由的人继续自由。欢迎您来中国,同时祝您此次行者世界中国巡演圆满落幕,爱你的粉丝❤️)
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