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  • Diego_9054 2024-01-11 04:58
    "Sugar Coffee in Beijing: A Spectacular of Unforgettable Sunsets" / "糖房咖啡(什刹海店):难以忘怀的壮丽日落"

    During my walk through the vibrant streets of Beijing, I was fortunate enough to discover "Sugar Coffee", a place that quickly rose to my top 3 of the best places to enjoy the sunset in the city. Strategically located, its terrace offers a panoramic view of Lake QianHai, also allowing you to see the traditional Jutong and the Beijing drum tower. / 在我漫步于北京繁华街道时,我有幸发现了“糖房咖啡”,这个地方迅速成为我在城市中欣赏日落的前三名之一。其地理位置极佳,露台可俯瞰前海湖,还可以让你看到传统的胡同和北京鼓楼。

    The coffee stands out for its excellent selection of coffees, each with a unique and captivating flavor profile. Teas, on the other hand, are perfect to sip quietly while waiting for the sun to go down. But the real show begins about 40 minutes before sunset, when the surroundings are bathed in a magical red glow, creating an almost surreal atmosphere. / 该咖啡馆以其卓越的咖啡选择脱颖而出,每一种都具有独特而引人入胜的风味特点。另一方面,茶叶适合在等待太阳落山的时候悠闲地品味。但真正的壮观在日落前约40分钟开始,当周围的景色被浸泡在神奇的红色光芒中时,营造出一种近乎超现实的氛围。

    Witnessing the sunset from Sugar Coffee is, without a doubt, one of the most dazzling experiences I have ever had. The sky is dyed with vibrant colors, offering a natural spectacle that exceeds any expectation. Additionally, walking along the lake shore while waiting for this magical moment adds even more charm to the experience, making it a memory that I will cherish forever. / 从糖房咖啡欣赏日落,无疑是我经历过的最令人眩目的体验之一。天空染上了充满活力的色彩,呈现出一场超乎期望的自然奇观。此外,在湖边漫步,等待这一神奇时刻的到来,更增添了体验的魅力,使其成为我将永远珍藏的记忆。
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